About Us


SEPT 2006

The core activities of ZCCP since then have taken place under the auspices of a Regional Health Communication Programme involving 9 country partners in Southern Africa, which is co-coordinated by Soul City Institute of Health and Development Communication.

Our Story

Zambia Centre for Communication Programmes (ZCCP) is a not- for- profit, locally b a s e d multi-media communications organization, which uses the power of the mass media (radio, TV and print) and social mobilisation to reach the Zambian population and to affect social and behavior change. The organization uses a rigorous formative research process to generate appropriate edutainment content relevant to health and development priorities in Zambia.

To ensure that the developed materials and interventions are contextualized to local situation, ZCCP has developed Kwatu as a well-known health and development communication brand, which has been used to carry all of ZCCP's products. ZCCP has also managed to run the One Love Kwasila campaign.

Social Health Issues

Overtime ZCCP has integrated other socio- health issues such as Gender-Based Violence and campaign to end child marriages in Zambia. ZCCP is implementing the USAID Stop GBV Now Project (a five year project 2023-2028) targeted at scaling up prevention and mitigation of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and the fight against child marriages in Zambia. ZCCP has implemented the GBV projects funded by USAID from 2013.

Fight against HIV

In addition , under the Zambia Community H I V program , ZCCP implemented Community HIV Programmes funded by PEPFAR and USAID through PACT in central and eastern provinces. While the Human rights and Governance Program is funded by GIZ was implemented in Lusaka and Southern provinces. Another GIZ Project being implemented is the Partnership for Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls.

ZCCP has also conducted successful communication campaigns and programmes in Zambia focusing on HIV/AIDS prevention, GBV, nutrition and health. The organisation works with both local and international partners in its work

ZCCP’s Vision is:

“A well informed and empowered Zambian society where individuals and communities make positive and proactive decisions for their health and general well-being"

ZCCP’s Mission is to:

“Promote behavior and social change in Zambia through the use of multimedia, social mobilization and advocacy, thereby empowering individuals to make informed and proactive decisions about their health and well-being.”

Our Core values


Prudent Management of resources


Value a range of initiatives that uses multiple approaches


Quick action proactively in its actions


Adhere to moral and ethical codes


Passionate and strong conviction to advocate for a good cause.