
Nature of intervention

ZCCP is working within government policies and frameworks under the auspices of the National AIDS Council (NAC), different government ministries such as Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Community Development Mother and Child Health, Ministry of Gender and Child Development and Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, besides collaborations with other stakeholders. At NAC, ZCCP is sitting on the HIV Prevention Committee.

Nature of intervention

ZCCP seeks to impact on priority health, HIV & AIDS, Gender-based violence (GBV), ending child marriages campaign and development interventions that encompass prevention, care and support and mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS, GBV as well as general Health interventions. The activities include behaviour change communication around key HIV and GBV drivers in Zambia, , whereas, care and support interventions includes but not limited to
OVC Support and Health, Education and creating general HIV resilience at the household level through the establishment of Income generating activities. Other interventions include maternal and child health and malaria. ZCCP interventions are anchored on research to ensure evidence-based programming. ZCCP has been implementing these interventions using the multi-media approach elaborated in detail hereunder.