Print, Radio and Television

Radio Programmes

ZCCP takes advantage of this wide reach and produces radio dramas which are aired on the national broadcaster and on other commercial and community radio stations across the country. The radio dramas are produced in English and selected local languages for each series 
Collectively, ZCCP has produced radio dramas in the following local languages, Nyanja, Bemba, Lozi, Kaonde, Lunda and Tonga. Radio has addressed the following thematic areas: maternal, new-born and child health, HIV, gender and multiple concurrent partners and alcohol abuse, male Circumcision, TB, Adolescent Health and malaria.

Radio is the most widely accessible form of media in Zambia both in terms of reach and language content.

Print Programmes

The print format includes brochures, posters and magazines. Magazine is the most widely used format and to date ZCCP has produced 7 print titles with a combined circulation of over 5,190,000 copies countrywide. Each of these publications can be accessed under the publications section of the website.

A key issue to note about the magazines in that they are written in simple English that can be accessed by anyone with basic reading skills. 

An additional feature of the print is that difficult words are translated into the seven major local languages to aid comprehensive understanding of the text. The thematic areas that have been addressed in the print include adolescent sexual and reproductive health, maternal, new-born and child health, HIV, male circumcision, gender and multiple concurrent partners and alcohol abuse. 


Two of ZCCP’s publications, Choose Life and Family Care for Mother and Child have been reprinted by two different partners in a quest to meet demand for these magazines.

ZCCP utilizes print media to communicate with its target audience.

Television Programmes

Initially, ZCCP adapted some Soul City TV drama series and added on a community-based component that gave community members on opportunity to share their experiences regarding a particular issue depicted in the drama.
This community-based component was filmed on location in various parts of the country. ZCCP then moved onto the development of short TV drama films. Trailers of these films are available for viewing under the resources section. ZCCP was also one of the three partners that developed the miniseries Club Risky Business

ZCCP has produced a number of television products that have been aired on the national broadcaster and on other TV stations.