
Programmes Research

Through research, ZCCP is able to adequately capture the voices of the target audience in defining the health and development problems they face and in formulating ways in which communication can help in addressing these problems. In order to assist with this research function, ZCCP has trained research assistants in qualitative data collection techniques. This pool of researchers has representation from all the seven major languages and their corresponding cultures in Zambia.

research activities

Our research activities therefore aim to ensure that the information obtained from the target audience and other stakeholders is reliable.

ZCCP stresses objective data collection without leading the research participants. Based on our experience in qualitative formative assessment, we continuously incorporate into our training and briefing of data collectors the gaps that have been identified over the course of our research experience in order to improve the quality of our data collectors and subsequently, our findings. The ZCCP research department has strong analytical and writing skills and is able to present the findings appropriately to stakeholders and clients.

Findings Presentation

Beyond presentation of findings, ZCCP successfully integrates research findings into the message and materials development process. This requires paying careful attention to the interaction between creativity and health communication to ensure that neither is lost or misrepresented. This helps to ensure that the materials produced have good entertainment value but still communicate the health message without being boring or preachy.

The careful mix of entertainment and messaging generates materials that have a high target audience appeal. As a result of the large target audience appeal that the materials ZCCP produces have, several partners have reprinted our materials while some service providers have aired re-runs of our radio programmes due to popular demand. The extent to which the target audience relates with the materials produced by ZCCP is reflected in the following quotes from qualitative research that we have conducted:

Formative target audience & key informant research forms the cornerstone of the implementation of ZCCP's programmes.

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